Talking with Kids
The following resources support families and educators of young children as they talk, watch, read, and learn about topics including but not limited to feelings and emotions; talking about the news; and race and racism. These resources are free and open for all to use. They have been curated from PBS, PBS KIDS, PBS LearningMedia, and other credible education organizations.
Cultural Awareness & Diversity
- Article: How to Teach Young Children about Cultural Awareness & Diversity (from PBS Parents)
- Article: Learning to Appreciate Diversity Through Play (from PBS Parents)
- PBS LearningMedia Collection: World Cultures Collection
- Arthur All About Community: Appreciating & Understanding Diversity
- Booklist: 13 Children’s Books About Race & Diversity (from PBS Parents)
- Song: Family (from Sesame Street)
- Article: Talking to Kids: Families Come in All Shapes and Sizes (from PBS Parents)
- Activity: Celebrate Family Diversity (from PBS Parents)
- Video: Family Time (from KET’s Everyday Learning Collection on PBS LearningMedia)
- Activity: Family Relationships (from Arthur)
Feelings & Emotions
- Article: Creating an Emotionally Supportive Home Environment (from PBS Parents)
- Video: Offering Comfort in Stressful Times (from Sesame Street in Communities)
- Song: Exploring Big Feelings (from Sesame Street in Communities)
- Videos: Feelings Have Names (from Sesame Street in Communities)
- Videos: Expressing Emotions (from Sesame Street in Communities)
- Videos: Naming Feelings (from Sesame Street in Communities)
- Activity: Drawing Your Feelings (from Sesame Street in Communities)
- Video: Talking About “Big Feelings” (from Sesame Street in Communities)
- Song: Revealing Emotions (from Sesame Street)
Talking about the News (& Other Scary Experiences)
- Guide: Explaining the News to Our Kids (from Common Sense Media)
- Article: Helping Childlren with Tragic Events in the News (from PBS Parents)
- Article: How to Talk to Kids about Terrible Things (from NPR)
- Article: Helping Kids Navigate Scary News Stories (from PBS Parents)
- Guide: When Something Scary Happens (from PBS KIDS)
Community Violence
- Guide: Community Violence: Age-by-Age Strategies (from Sesame Street in Communities)
Same & Different
- Video: Same/Different with Abby & Elmo
- Videos + Activities: Alike & Different (from Daniel Tiger’s Life’s Little Lessons PBS LearningMedia Media Gallery)
- Booklist: 6 Books to Read with Your Kids That Celebrate Differences and Diversity (from PBS NewsHour)
Being Inclusive & Empathetic
- Article: How to Teach Your Child to Be An “Includer” (from PBS Parents)
- Article: Play Pretend: How to Include Others (from PBS Parents)
- Article: 7 Ways for Kids to Learn Empathy Through Acting
- Video: How Others Feel (from Sesame Street in Communities)
Each Person is Special
- Song: Count Me In (from Sesame Street)
- Song: What I Am (from Sesame Street)
- Song: You Are Special (from Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood)
- Video: O is Special (from Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood)
- Song: It’s You I Like (from Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood)
- Song: I Am Special (from Sesame Street)
- Song: I Love My Hair & I Love My Hair (with Mando) (from Sesame Street)
- Song: Happy to Be Me (from Sesame Street)
- Sesame Street in Communities Resilience hub
- Resilience Tips for Grown-Ups (from Arthur)
- Article: How to Raise an Emotionally Resilient Child (from PBS Parents)
Standing Up for Yourself (or Others)
- Arthur: Civics: Making a Difference
- Booklist: Books That Animate Kids to be Racial Justice Advocates for All Children (from EmbraceRace.org)
- Video: It’s Never too Early to Talk to Your Kids About Race (from The Talk)
- Video: How One Parent Talks to His Biracial Kids About Race (from The Talk)
- Article: Talking Race with Young Children (from NPR)
- Guide: Teaching Young Children About Race (from Social Justice Books)
Racism & Anti-Racism
- Listen: How to Talk to Your Kids About Race, Racism, and Police Violence (from WBUR)
- Guide: How White Parents Can Talk to Their Kids About Race (from NPR)
- Article: How White Parents Can Use Media to Raise Anti-Racist Kids (from Common Sense Media)
- Guide: Becoming Upended: Teaching and Learning about Race and Racism with Young Children and Their Families (from National Association for the Education of Young Children)
Black History & Culture
- Celebrating and Learning Beyond Black History Month (from Reading Rockets)
- Booklist: Children’s Books to Celebrate Black Culture (from Reading Rockets)
- Article: How Black Art Can Spark Conversations with Children (from PBS Parents)
- Booklist: Children’s Books Featuring Kids of Color Being Themselves. That’s Enough! (from EmbraceRace.org)
Resources for Adults Working with Young Children
PBS LearningMedia (professional learning tools for educators)
- Developing Cultural Awareness | Learning with Littles
- Demonstrating Empathy and Perseverance| Learning with Littles
- Culturally Responsive Teaching with Molly of Denali
- Exploring the Community | Cultivating Good Neighbor Skills
- Building Relationships | Cultivating Good Neighbor Skills
Curated List of PBS LearningMedia Resources on Race, Racism, and more. (for middle and high school students, as well as adults.)